These people have clearly pointed out all our MISTAKES IN LIFE.

Sajjad Hossen
2 min readAug 27, 2020


Life is incomplete without mistakes.

You may have heard people saying,“Learn from mistakes”.

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

Why not learn from these people? There you go.

Bro, you’re so right. Most of us fail to realize this mistake as youth at times makes us dismissive about this.

Well , Time and tide waits for none 😁.

Learning about Love and Success from Movies


It seems to be eccentric. Maybe, I’m not much aware of it. This tendency may be prevalent. Who knows?

Trusting Governments and Institutions

You’ve understood. Right?

Believing that Good grades guarantee success in life

To some extend,it’s true grades can’t ensure you success.

Hey, nothing in life can be guaranteed , let alone grades. Accept it.

That doesn’t mean we’ll stop working, discard our goals.

Good grades are very important as it ups the odds.Please don’t neglect grades just for this reason.

Eating a diet leading an inflammation and insulin resistance

I leave this up to you to realize whether it’s a mistake or not.

If you agree to this, very good 😀.If you don’t , it’s very good as well.

It’s Your choice .

In the following tweet, you see a list of avoidable ones.

All the mistakes mentioned above are hard truths indeed.

Slave to consumerism

If you don’t know what consumerism is, this is for you

Wondering why consumerism is a mistake? This man has answered it really well.

Unnecessary debt

Use a credit card, you’ll easily understand what is Unnecessary Debt ?

Settling down with the wrong partner

It can’t be avoidable always.

We get to see divorces even in love marriages.Then,how come the mistake of settling down with the wrong partner be avoidable?

Neglecting your beloved

The day you’ll lose your beloved ones, you’ll profoundly understand the meaning of this mistake. But, then , it would be too late.The option you would have is to regret.

Guys,please spent quality time with your dear ones.It’s important.Trust me.

This post -with 500k views so far and counting- is truly mind blowing.

Here, he shares his personal mistakes. Mistakes,very different from the ones above. Do give it a read. Not going to be a waste of time

Now’ it’s your time to introspect your mistake.

Take a diary or a page. If you’re a smoker, lit one.

In late night,sit by the window side,recollect your past alone,write mistakes one by one while listening to this music.

Imagine you’re here introspecting.

That’s it.Thanks for reading.



Sajjad Hossen

A chill person who has got no career goals. Loves to express his emotions in writings. Believes in simplicity. Simple is Beautiful!