“Everyone should follow their passion” is an illogical advice.

Sajjad Hossen
2 min readAug 16, 2020


Photo by frankie cordoba on Unsplash

After reading the title , you’re wondering — “What rubbish am I saying?”

It’s obvious. Since, you’ve hearing about follow your passion for so long that you’ll definitely find it absurd hearing the opposite.

Read the tweet below. You’ll sense the origin of my position.

See! You live in a world where you need money to survive. You’ve always heard- Water is Life.Ironically, you’ve to even pay for a bottle of drinking water.Water is not free, let alone others.

Let me give you an example to validate my take on passion.

Imagine you want to be a professional musician in Bangladesh.Your passion is music.

Ask yourself, “How much is it sustainable to make a living out of it?”

You’re aware that Bangladesh’s music industry is plagued with poor piracy protection,weak royalty system, lack of concerts and others.Hence, the sources of income for musicians is in a very bad shape.

So, You tell me would you prefer a life living in hand to mouth?

Here are some tweets addressing the same dilemma and explaining why passion is not feasible for all.

This career coach’s tweet echoes the same.

Life is not same for everyone. Everyone’s circumstance is different and their fight is different too.

Unfortunately, even if you’re privilege, you may not find your passion like Vivek.

It is completely fine. You’ve to be okay with it.🙂

Some people never find it.

Please don’t misunderstand that I’m against pursuing passion.Passion is very important in one’s life. We should pursue our passion.

But, we also need to understand our limitations.Then, take an informed decision.

I’m only against the way people promoting the whole passion thing as if anybody can pursue passion.

Reality is far different.

If you’ve a different opinion or want to add sth, please drop you comment. Lets kick-off a healthy discussion about this serious topic.



Sajjad Hossen

A chill person who has got no career goals. Loves to express his emotions in writings. Believes in simplicity. Simple is Beautiful!