Does your E-business need SEO-optimized articles?

Sajjad Hossen
3 min readJul 13, 2020


Are you looking for ways to increase customers in your online business?

If that is so, you’ve come to the right place.

See, online business is very competitive and you need to look for ways to rise amongst the competition.

Many online businesses are in a frenzy to adopt E-commerce SEO.

Before you go for it, you first need to understand why you need E-commerce SEO and then how you can identify the necessity of E-commerce SEO in your online business.

What is SEO?

In short, SEO is a technique which ranks your page at the top of Google Search for the keywords you want.

Source: Vision360

Why do you need E-commerce SEO for your online business?

E-commerce SEO will increase the number of potential customers visiting your website

When your website ranks at the top of Google Search, it’s very obvious more people will visit your site. It is because SEO has increased the visibility of your website to your potential customers.

Ultimately, this will increase the conversion of your traffic.

E-commerce SEO will make your online business more trustworthy to your customers.

See, before a customer buys a product, he’ll very likely do some research about it to make an informed buying decision.

When your customers see your SEO-optimized articles at the top of the search, your online business gets more credibility in their eyes.

Since Google puts only the best-performed websites at the top based on a couple of factors.

E-commerce SEO will increase the brand awareness of your business


Let me give you an example.

Suppose, you’re planning for a summer vacation in Maldives. Wondering, what are the interesting things you can do over there? After searching in Google, you’ve got this — “10 best things to do in Maldives” from TripAdvisor.

Here is the thing.

You haven’t used the brand name in your search. But, thanks to E-commerce SEO, TripAdvisor’s article appears on the first page. You’ve read their article and got to know about what TripAdvisor does, all their services and others.

In this way, their brand awareness has become successful.

E-commerce SEO will give you a lot of information about your customers visiting your site

Once you’ve done SEO to your website, you’ll notice an influx of visitors in your site.

You can gather as much information as possible about those visitors. These visitors are your potential customers. You’ll be able to understand what things people are liking in your site.

You know more than me how important it is for you to know the personas of your customers for the success of your business.

You can easily get detailed information about your customers from the Google Analytics which you’ve to integrate to your website.

How can you identify your E-business needs E-commerce SEO?

Look at what your main competitor is doing to attract customers to their website

For that, you can use SimilarWeb, which gives you information about the number of people who visited your competitor’s site. It then gives you a breakdown of how many visitors came to their site through organic search, social media and email.

If you see the organic search of your competitor is disproportionately high, it’s giving you an urgent alert that your business needs E-commerce SEO as soon as possible. As a result, you can attract untapped customers which can’t happen otherwise.

Find out whether people are searching for anything relevant to your online business.

To do this, you can use Uber Suggest as it tells you which keywords in the search are getting how many monthly visitors.

Make a list of all those possible keywords that concern your business.

Also, include metrics like no of visitors and SEO difficulty. If any keyword shows a high search volume, it means a lot of potential customers are searching for it. Thereby, E-commerce SEO is very imperative.

Having done all the steps above, if you’re confident your online business needs E-commerce SEO, test your website with FREE SEO CHECKER to unearth the existing SEO lapses.

Finally, learn E-commerce SEO techniques from here and apply those to your online business.




Sajjad Hossen

A chill person who has got no career goals. Loves to express his emotions in writings. Believes in simplicity. Simple is Beautiful!